Sven Trebard
Sven Trebard is a resident of his birth town Stockholm. He is a father, a software developer, a musician and a painter. He is also the CEO and founder of Demagic AB.
You can contact Sven at or LinkedIn.
Demagic AB
Founded in 2003, Demagic AB is based in Stockholm, Sweden.
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Oak Analytics
Oak Analytics is a project for sales and development of Nodelab. Read More.
Uninode® Suite
Uninode® Suite is a set of projects for various aspects of data analytics. Read More
Nodelab, which is a part of Uninode® Suite, is a client and server framework for data visualization and analysis. The core is a programming language, Edgescript®, which is also part of Uninode® Suite. It is also based on Uninode® and UNQL. Read More
Nada Studio
Nada Studio is a studio for musical innovation. Read More
Paintertool is an iOS app for proportion support while creating drawings, paintings or sculpture. Read More
Color Theory
Sven has compiled a document about color theory. It may be considered fairly advanced, but it includes explanations of physics, biology, color circles and rainbows. Read More.
Sven have compiled two anatomy charts, two inspirational charts and a page with drawing tips. Read More.
Microsong is a True Type font i have created for documenting melodies. It is primarily used in the Swedish song book. Read More
Song book
This is a collection of standard and drinking songs, written in Swedish but not by Sven. Read More
Here are a few arrangement Sven has made for his accapella groups. Read More
This is a short description in Swedish of why there are twelve notes in an octave and similar mysteries. Read More
Development Complexity Circle
This is how Sven views software development in general.
Each box communicates only with the two surrounding boxes.
- User experience include business processes and general satisfaction with the software.
- UI is the interface between the software and the user.
- UX-model is an abstraction of the problem to be solved.
- App is the software logic.
- App-model is the data model needed to support the app functionality.
- API defines the communication with backend.
- Platform is the functionality and data model of the backend. It should resemble the app-model, but is not required to be identical.
- Analytics is more or less complex aggregations, data science and AI.
- Storage is backend storage. It may be on premise or in the cloud.
- Ingest is data engineering for importing data.
- Sensors are similar to UI, but communicates only with backend.
- Proof of concepts generally end up in dashboards, which are in no way optimized for actual problems.
- Cocreation generally deifines the ux model, but is not really integrated with actual usage.
- Prototyping with a simulated backend is an agile way to fit a full-stack solution to the problem and to define consistent UI and API.
- Sales generally focus on the platform and whatever user experience that is defined by the platform abstractions.
- The evaluation of a project is generally focused on the actual experience of the users, which may differ a lot from the platform, since it is more complex.
Sky Ceiling
Sven has a phosphorescent stellar map above his bed. It's amazing. Read More.
1966 Born in Stockholm • 1976-1984 Adolf Fredrik School of Music in Stockholm • 1984-1985 Hopkins High School, Minneapolis • 1986-1987 Second Lieutenant, Swedish Army Reconnaissance • 1987 Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Engineering Physics • 1987-1995 Illustrator of various publications at KTH • 1989-1991 Developed the City Info system, used for tourist guiding
1992 Changed major at KTH to Computer Science •
1993 On stage at Komediteatern, Gröna Lund, with the play Ada, Dataspelet •
1994 On stage at Södra Teatern, Stockholm, with the play The Tsar, Kårspexet •
1995 Initiator and project manager of the InSight project,
representing Sweden at Apple Design Project '95 in Cupertino •
1995-2000 Working for Swedbank Capital Markets & Securities.
Designed and developed NetTrade, the first equity trading website in Europe, with Jörgen Blomberg •
1996 Developed NetTrade into the first multilingual and multimarket trading site of the world, with
Jörgen Blomberg and Måns Tånneryd •
1997-2000 Formed (and disbanded) various groups of vocal jazzquartets and -quintets •
1997- 2000 Inhouse development, mathematics and user interface design at Swedbank.
Developed Swedbank Bali, an application for equity, fixed income and currency analysis •
1997 One month in Hong Kong, Macau and Thailand •
1998 Six weeks in Australia •
1999 Six weeks in South Africa
2000-2001 Knowledge architect and founding partner, QiTech AB. Developed QiTech Qiper, which was used by the
NordNet online equity trading site, where five different but similar sites could be managed and translated
into six different languages, with one html structure instead of thirty •
2001-2004 Member of the chamber choir Svenska Röster, performances including Globen, Konserthuset, Berwaldhallen
as well national and foreign tours •
2001-2003 Developing PowerPilot, an analysis tool for the financial power market, based on the Uninode®
architecture, with Rickard Werneker and Josefin Bodell •
2002-2003 Founder and member of the vocal quartet Radiokvartetten •
2002 PowerPilot is installed at Nord Pool, the nordic power exchange •
2003 Founder, president and CEO, Demagic AB •
2004 Founding Nada Risk AB with Rickard Werneker and Josefin Bodell, to continue development of PowerPilot •
2005 Setting up the Cloud Studio
a.k.a Nada Studio •
2005-2006 Taking art classes at Folkuniversitetet •
2005 Changed name from
Sven Gothefors to Sven Trebard •
2007 Working with Racasse AB, developing the Central Name Registry •
2008 Solo exhibition at Spy Bar •
2009 Working on Uninode, Nodelab and Studiolab, three framework layers for music composition •
2009 Signed contract with French photo agency •
2009-2011 Second solo exhibition at Spy Bar •
2009 Master's thesis
2010-2012 Working at Pan Capital • 2012 Fulltime work with Studiolab and PainterTool • 2015-2022 Senior software developer at Tieto • 2016 US patent for a method of composing with specification and figures • 2017 Odette is born • 2019 Otis is born
2022 Started the Oak Analytics project